
Instruments are simple tools that can be attached at runtime to any model or model element and are intended to modify or record behavior. They do not interface with the IDE.
Instruments can be easily built by extending the IInstrument interface. Instruments can be made visible to the IDE by using the instruments extension point.


The IDE includes many useful tools both for tracing/inspecting model execution and for recording information.

Broadly speaking, there are tool classes of tools: instruments and tracers.

Version 6

DefaultProceduralLearningModule6 provides access to production compilation and utility learning. Utility learning utilizes the IExpectedUtilityEquation. Production compilation delegates to the IProductionCompiler. The module is responsible for propagating rewards backward in time. Utility learning is fully functional, and can even support the learning of utility noises (UtilityNoiseLearningExtension).

Motor System

There is no manual system, just a global motor system. The motor system is a drop-in replacement with the same basic functionality, plus a few bells and whistles.

Muscle-level parallelism

If EnableMuscleLevelParallelism is true, motor programs can be prepared and executed in parallel so long as they don't overlap in the muscle groups used.

Compound commands

Probe baby, probe.

There is now a super useful (although still somewhat flaky) tool to probe arbitrary model element parameters (models, productions, chunks, modules, buffers), across time. It comes in two part: runtime probe and viewer.

To use it, you need to enable the GeneralProbe in run configuration and provide it the location of a probe file.

Classpath Woes

One of the biggest hassle in Java is managing the classpath. OSGi takes care of some of the problems, but sometimes you still get bitten by FileNotFound or ClassNotFound, and yet the file/class is right there! Here's a checklist of things to look at when it comes to this problem:

I love users.

Mad props to those who have braved jACT-R in the past and those who are taking a stab at it now. The past week has seen massive improvements across the board. I've been pumping out releases multiple times a day as issues are brought to my attention and then, usually, fixed.

To all of you, I say thank-you and feel free to keep on pestering me when you think something is wrong. (oh, and.. turn on the automatic update in Eclipse)


What is CommonReality, Sensors, and Agents?

YAR (yet another release)

So there has always been documentation available for using jACT-R within Eclipse, but I don't think anyone knew about it. So, I've made a few things more obvious. New users will now be greeted with the Welcome screen that includes jACT-R specific hints. Already running? You can see this content via Help - Welcome.

This includes automatic links to the included documentation (opened in your preferred web browser) and two cheatsheets. One cheatsheet is an intro to using Eclipse from the jACT-R perspective. The second is the unit one tutorial.

new release

Wouldn't you know it, once the boss started to play with jACT-R he found issue after issue. Fortunately most of them were either trivial stupid little bugs on my part (mostly related to using the lisp parsers) or mental-model mismatch in Eclipse. This release is not only a bug fix, but also introduces a few new tid-bits:


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