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new release

New release is available of core, ide, and actr/s. This covers tons of stuff, there have been quite a few changes, mostly related to compatibility and performance. There is a new framework for dealing with efferent control and it is working well for vocal and I'll be updating motor shortly. I'll be releasing a new augmented tutorial soon-ish.

Most of these performance improvements have been targeted towards interfacing experiments/devices with jACT-R via The IDE has also seen some overhauling for the logviewer which helps dramatically if your model runs too fast for the IDE to keep up with.

This is also the first release to use the new Orthogonal slice parameter space search tool. This is to be used instead of the old parameter space search tool because it is much simpler and will eventually permit the running of different parameter slices across different machines and then merging them back together for further analyses.